Pop's Scrambled Eggs
Yesterday we returned home with the latest edition to our little family. Once everyone was tucked into bed I was treated to my husbands signature dish. Yes ‘dish’ singular, but it’s one dish i love and look forward too. He swears the key to perfect scrambled eggs is timing. Here’s his recipe word for word!
6 Eggs
Dollops of Butter
Some glug glug glugs of whole milk
Salt and pepper
Stir everything with a fork so its barely mixed. Heat a big pan to medium high. Melt a lot of butter then pour in the mix. Using an upside down spatula continually scrape the eggs off the bottom of the pan until the mix begins to firm. Push the cooked egg to the side and tilt the pan to re-cover the surface with uncooked egg. Continue scraping. The key is to serve them just before you think they’re cooked. On buttered toast.